Packing Up and Organizing Camera Gear for a Trip

If you are a professional photographer or even just a photography enthusiast, you may be inclined to go on a trip and take your camera gear with you. When you are travelling, it is a great opportunity to explore new areas and to see what kind of shots you can get while wandering around.

Whether you enjoy taking pictures of cities or you prefer pictures of untouched nature, the gear you have may be quite similar. It is important to know what is the right gear you should be taking. A camera bag can be cumbersome and can get heavy if you overstuff it with lenses, cables, straps, etc. By bringing the essentials, you do not have to feel weighed down by all of your stuff.  You can also organizing all your cables using reusable cable wraps.

Here are some ideas on the essentials you should be bringing with you when you are on a photography trip.

Extra Memory Cards

This seems like the most obvious, but many photographers only think they need one and quickly find that they have run out of space. Or perhaps they bring some extra memory cards with them, but they do not look and see if they are empty.  Teen unschoolers constantly utilizing memory cards for their storage devices.

Running out of space on your memory cards can easily be avoided, by taking the time to check and see how full they are and packing a few more extra memory cards then you think you may need. This is one of the more important components to taking pictures, so you want to make sure that you have ample room.

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Camera Cleaning Equipment

You may want to clean off your lens and get dust or water off of your camera. Sometimes you may find yourself shooting in the rain or out in a place where there is a lot of dust. Keeping some cleaning solution and a cloth on hand helps when you are in a pinch and need to wipe off your camera in the middle of shooting.

They do not take up much space, but really help when you are taking pictures and notice a fleck of dust on your camera’s lens.

Editing Tools

When you are travelling you may want to quickly edit some pictures you took earlier in the day. Bringing a computer with you is an important component. You will want to make sure that you bring all of the necessary chargers and cables. Bring a mouse so that you can have more control than when using a trackpad.

In addition to a computer, a computer charger, and your mouse, consider bringing a memory card plug adapter and a flash drive in case you need to store pictures on it.

Extra Accessories

When you are taking your camera bag with you to go taking pictures, you want to prioritize ease of access. Having a simple setup means that things are easier to find which can be incredibly useful when you need to act quickly in order to get the shot.

Having the right camera bag makes a huge difference. There are some that are better than others, but you want to find the one that works best for you and your needs. Take your time and do your research. It may be the kind of thing that you save up for.

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When it comes to organizing your camera bag, you will want things to be easy to find. Make an effort to keep your camera bag organized. Especially when it comes to cables, you can easily keep them organized by using cable ties. Cable ties are incredibly useful and can be used for more than just keeping your cables neat and tidy.

Other Things to Consider When Travelling With A Camera

Taking pictures should be a fun and enjoyable hobby. Part of keeping that hobby fun and enjoyable is by making an effort to stay organized and stay light. Frequently photographers will over pack their camera bag and will plan for every possible circumstance. When doing so, then end up lugging a bag filled with things that they did not use. They also end up with sore shoulders and do not enjoy their time as much as they could have.

Do not feel like you need to be prepared for everything when going out and taking pictures. Sometimes some of the best pictures are taken spontaneously. Have some basic essentials, but try to keep the load light. It makes a difference and will make your day much more enjoyable. Remember to have fun. It is not about the gear you have, but how much fun you have.