How to Take Better Photos onboard the Train

How to Take Better Photos onboard the Train

It’s a joy to visit new places in North America while traveling by train. But, it’s also a pleasure to take photos onboard. When the train begins moving, your phone or camera will be the first thing you reach for. Train travel allows you to appreciate the scenery around you and the onboard the Train experience in a way that is not possible with a car or plane. Photographing travel is about being in the right place at a right time. You won’t have to sit still, so you can move around and discover new perspectives on your journey to your destination.

Nothing is more satisfying than looking back at all the memories from your rail trip and sharing those with others. No matter what your level of photography skill or equipment (point-and-shoot, phone, or DSLR), you don’t need to take blurred landscapes or blurred backgrounds when taking photos from moving trains. These tips will help you capture the most beautiful photos possible while exploring the wonders of America aboard Amtrak.

Explore the Scenery

Before you board your train, research the scenery that may be encountered on your journey to your destination. There are many routes that offer stunning views from both sides. Some routes have more beauty than others. It’s worth taking the time to plan ahead. A quick Google search will reveal all the sights you should be looking forward to: rivers and mountains, landmarks and waterfalls, wildlife, and other scenic points. You might be able get great shots of iconic views if the windows are opened. Shasta above!

These are the top routes for capturing stunning scenery from trains: The Sunset Limited and Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, Coast Starlight, California Zephyr, Southwest Chief, and California Zephyr.

You can sit at the back of the train (or walk to the back)

You can take the iconic photograph of the train turning the corner or traveling through tunnels behind it by locating yourself near the back. You’ll almost certainly capture a memorable photo this way.

These are the top routes for capturing stunning scenery from trains: The Sunset Limited and Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, Coast Starlight, California Zephyr, Southwest Chief, and California Zephyr.

Reduce unwanted window glazing

Window glare and grime are two of the most difficult aspects of photographing on trains. The windows not only reflect light and noise from carriages, but they can also be very dirty.

This will increase your chances of getting a great shot.

  • Your lens (or your phone) should be placed as close as possible to the window without touching the glass.
  • You can reduce the amount of light entering your cabin if you are there during the day. To block any ambient light from entering your phone or camera at night, you can cover it with your hand.
  • To minimize reflections and grime, you can shoot on the train’s side during daylight hours.
  • These are the top routes for capturing stunning scenery from trains: The Sunset Limited and Empire Builder, Coast Starlight and California Zephyr.

Find Great Subjects

Traveling by train has the wonderful advantage of being surrounded by other travelers from all over the globe. You have endless opportunities to capture memories onboard train travel’s human side. Before you take their picture, make sure to ask them permission.

These are the top routes for capturing stunning scenery from trains: The Sunset Limited and Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, Coast Starlight, California Zephyr and Southwest Chief.

Keep Your Camera Stabilized

No matter what moment you are trying to capture, it is important to hold your camera steady in order to get high quality photos. You can minimize blurring with a compact tripod. Many modern collapsible tripods are lightweight and easily portable.

These are the top routes for capturing stunning scenery from trains: The Sunset Limited and Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, Coast Starlight, California Zephyr, Southwest Chief, and California Zephyr.

Get off the Train

You will likely make several stops along your train ride at different stations. You should take the opportunity to get off the train and walk around the area. Amazing photos can be taken of people, beautiful sunsets, and charming towns. You never know what you might find!

These are the top routes for capturing stunning scenery from trains: The Sunset Limited and Empire Builder, Coast Starlight, Coast Starlight, California Zephyr, Southwest Chief, and California Zephyr.

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